Friday, March 12, 2010

Failing 17 times in 13 Years - Professionally..!

Yep..Thats Me.

I did this review of my career today and listed out all the occasions where i had attempted to make a decent living by pursuing a job or a self-supported activity.

To my astonishment , i found out that i had failed in all against two measures - earning fame or money.

All of these attempts where made with a expectation that i would be able to establish better than some of my comparable peers. After 13 years i had found that most my peers who graduated out of college were getting settled with what ever the resources they had and with fewer attempts on following things that they were good at and close to hearts.

It was a terrible mistake of mine on NOT following my heart and putting the required level of efforts therefore.

The Result:

1. Wife is not willing to believe that i can really make something good professionally. Or for that sake, she doubts if i would make a good living creature. - True to the fact that if you had failed so many times "Trying" and never got some solid results.

2. Ditto for parents. Worst is that they doubt if they had done something wrong in the bringing-up process of mine.

3. This is worst of all - My Son is less attached to me. With all that money i could afford i had bought nothing great that could make him attached to me.

The Learning : Follow and Pursue that fucking thing which i always wanted to do, which could give me satisfaction , money and fame.

What could change now..? Me and Me alone..!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Some of My Best Sho(o)ts..!

Here are some of , what i would call , as best of my shots.
All of these were done without spending ample time for photography and taken on casual occasions. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

Whats Common Between A Data Center and Poultry Farm

Its been a while i had been thinking about this.Being a village guy and engaged in setting up  Data Center’s – iam able to find some striking similarities between best of both worlds.

  1. Both of the businesses are directly proportional to the Real Estate – The more the data / chicken’s you want to host the more you need the real estate space.While chickens need 0.9 Sq.ft per bird , data is measured in the number of servers you can squeeze in a 1U ( 1.75 Inch ) space of a rack..!
  2. Thermodynamics – Its all about protecting the inmates with right environmental conditions. Datacenters need 21-23c of temprature and 45-55% RH of Humidity , while the environmental conitions in a poultry farm needs to be warmer by 33-38c and air needs to be dry with lower RH of Humidity.
  3. Power Factor – Both of them consumes electricity a lot , data center emits power as heat energy and poultry inhales heat generated from light bulbs. The cost factor of power in both the businesss is about 30%
  4. Dependency on External Feed’s -  Data Centers are purely dependent on the ISP connectivity ans so are the Chickens for thier feed manufaturer’s. Crticality of situations araise when there is a “Downtime” for the external feeds..!
  5. Fatter you Grow , Fatter the Money – While chickens weigh more and data grows bigger , the bigger the revenue we get..!          

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Acquiring Digital SLR - 13 Yrs of Dream...!

It has been long since i quit my Pentax K1000 and Vivitar Series 1 - 70mm to 210 mm Zoom.

To be exact , it gave me a exhilarating pleasure in being associated with photography as my hobby. I had invested close to about 50K way back in 1992 to be an Amatuer Photographer. It took me a lot of effort ( Yes..I had to steal a Phtography book in my final year college from our library..) and time to learn it and perfect it.

I made quite a lot of money at my college being known as an " Offcical Photographer" of the college. People knew me as a 'Big Lens' guy.

After my MBA i had no been able to continue my passion and was muddling ever since to acquire a DSLR.

Today i bought a Nikon D40 - a Great Camera for Professional Beginners..!

Monday, October 15, 2007

B2B - Via B - Part 2

True to my Born Creativity ( !!), i was hitting the Cinema Theaters at least twice a day and when ever my mom wants to find me she asks some to go and look for me in the theater of new releases..! I was so popular in our town cinema theater workers circle that i will get all eatables for free and still manage to view new cinemas for free - all that because i was Doctor's Son.

Its when they decided to "Move" me to Coimbatore and put me in a Residential School.

Perks Matriculation School - It was a world open for me..!

Like any other residential school boys , i too had learned many things and decided on few.

Here is the List..

1. I will Not be a Medico
2. I will go to a Arts College
3. I will Love Computers - as and when it was introduced to me in 1986
4. I will Love and Marry "This ..." Girl....!

Surpraisingly , i accomplished all.!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

From Bhavani to Bangalore - Via Bombay..!!

As i was seriously frustrated with my previous job @ Ingram Micro , i thought i should always stick to core technology - and not Box Selling..!

My Strength was was purely translating technology.

So let me just tell you who,what and where iam from

I was born in a small town in Tamilnadu - Komarapalayam - Now in Namakakkal District.

Born for Doctor Parents - Not with a Silver spoon , but lets say a Bronze one..!
Yeah they are Government Doctors.. !

Excellent Childhood..i would really call it Excellent,since i was a village guy ..Playing with Toads and "Pachondhi's" and "Odakkan's"

But it all lasted till i was 12 yrs.