Friday, March 12, 2010

Failing 17 times in 13 Years - Professionally..!

Yep..Thats Me.

I did this review of my career today and listed out all the occasions where i had attempted to make a decent living by pursuing a job or a self-supported activity.

To my astonishment , i found out that i had failed in all against two measures - earning fame or money.

All of these attempts where made with a expectation that i would be able to establish better than some of my comparable peers. After 13 years i had found that most my peers who graduated out of college were getting settled with what ever the resources they had and with fewer attempts on following things that they were good at and close to hearts.

It was a terrible mistake of mine on NOT following my heart and putting the required level of efforts therefore.

The Result:

1. Wife is not willing to believe that i can really make something good professionally. Or for that sake, she doubts if i would make a good living creature. - True to the fact that if you had failed so many times "Trying" and never got some solid results.

2. Ditto for parents. Worst is that they doubt if they had done something wrong in the bringing-up process of mine.

3. This is worst of all - My Son is less attached to me. With all that money i could afford i had bought nothing great that could make him attached to me.

The Learning : Follow and Pursue that fucking thing which i always wanted to do, which could give me satisfaction , money and fame.

What could change now..? Me and Me alone..!

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